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How long after an accident can I claim?

If you've been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, ClaimsPeople's expert panel of solicitors can help you to claim the compensation that you deserve.

Get in touch with us today and we can let you know immediately if you have a strong case. It could be important for you to contact us as soon as you can because there are personal injury claim time limits of which you need to be aware. Usually the limit is three years, but there are some exceptions.

We're here to talk you through all of the details, so read on to find out more about personal injury time frames including how long you have to make a claim, how the process works and more.

Claiming for a personal injury

Find out everything that you need to know about the different aspects of making a claim.

The claims process

The process usually follows a set of similar steps and we can discuss all of these before you start.

No win no fee claims

We take most cases on a no win no fee basis, which means that there's nothing to pay if your claim loses.

No win no fee charges

If you win your claim, your solicitor will take a pre-agreed percentage of your compensation as their fee.


The amount that you receive for winning your claim will depend on a few factors, such as the nature of your injuries.


If someone else was directly or indirectly responsible for your accident, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

Your personal injury compensation calculator

Our calculator tool gives you an instant idea of how much compensation you could receive. It will also let you know if you can pursue your claim entirely online.

Use our compensation calculator

Compensation Calculator

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Compensation Calculator

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Risk-free no win no fee claims

We take the vast majority of cases on a no win no fee basis − so there's nothing for you to pay if you lose.

About us

We work with a UK-wide panel of fully regulated solicitors who are experts in their field and have a deep understanding of personal injury claim time limits.

Personal injury claim time limits: FAQs

Before you get in touch with us about starting your claim, here are some of the key things that you need to know about personal injury claims and their time limits.

How long after an accident can you file a claim?

Normally, you have three years after an accident to file your claim. There are some exceptions to this rule, which we'll explain below. And your three-year personal injury time frame may not always start on the day of your accident, if your injury or illness does not become obvious until later down the line. If you think that you have a claim but are approaching the three-year limit, it's important for you to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

When does the personal injury claim time limit start?

The limit typically starts from the date on which you were involved in the accident. This tends to apply when your injuries and their causes are obvious. However, if your injury or illness is not diagnosed immediately, the time frame begins from the date on which you are diagnosed. This is sometimes referred to as the date of knowledge.

Are there exceptions to the three-year time limit?

Yes, there are a few exceptions about which you need to know:

  • Claiming on behalf of a child: You can do this at any point up until the child turns 18. Once they reach that age, the usual three-year time frame begins. If you have already claimed for them as a child, they cannot do so again once they become an adult.
  • Claiming for someone who lacks the mental capacity: If you are claiming on behalf of someone else because they are unable to do so, there is no personal injury claim time limit.
  • Claiming for criminal injury: This will be handled by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and you will have two years to begin your claim.
  • Claiming for an accident while travelling: If you are injured on a flight or on a boat, you will have two years to claim. This will usually start from the date on which you disembarked.
  • Claiming for accidents abroad: Various countries have different personal injury claim time limits, so you may have more or less than the three years that is standard in the UK.

What are the time limits for different types of accidents?

There are lots of ways you can sustain an injury as a result of an accident. We've broken down some of the most common and their time limits below. Please note that some of the exceptions mentioned above may apply.

  • How long after a car accident can I claim? The time limit for road accident claims is three years.
  • What is the work injury claim time limit? If you've been involved in an accident at work, you'll typically have three years to begin your claim.
  • What is the time frame to sue for medical malpractice? Cases of medical negligence can be complicated but a three-year time limit will usually apply.
  • What is the time limit for accidents in public? These can happen in city centres, supermarkets, parks and many other places. The typical time frame for accidents in public is three years.
  • If I have an accident at home, how long do I have to claim? If you sustain an injury due to an accident at home, you'll have three years to start your claim.

Is the time limit different if I claim on a no win no fee basis?

No, your personal injury claim time limit does not change if you seek compensation on a no win no fee basis. We handle the majority of cases this way, and it means that there is nothing for you to pay if you are unsuccessful.

Find out more about no win no fee claims.

Does my claim need to be settled within the time limit?

No, you only need to begin your claim within that period. Some cases can prove more complicated than others and take a number of years until they are settled. But there's no need for you to worry as long as you've started your claim before the three-year limit is up.

Why should I make a claim?

If you've been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, it's only right that you seek the compensation that you deserve. The money could help to cover any wages that you may have lost if you were unable to work or it could contribute to paying for any treatment that you might need. Making a claim can also ensure that lessons are learned so that the same thing doesn't happen to someone else.

How do I start the claims process?

If you think that you are nearing your personal injury claim time limit, it's important that you get in touch with us while we can still help you. There are a few ways in which you can do that:

  • Call one of our advisors on 0800 587 0344. Our lines are open every day until late and we'll be able to tell you straight away if we think that you have a claim.
  • Fill out our simple form with your name, number and type of accident. We'll call you back and it won't cost you a penny.
  • Use our calculator tool to get an idea of how much compensation you could receive. You may also be able to use the tool to go through the whole claims process online.

How does the claims process work?

If we think that you have a case and you are within the personal injury time frame, we'll put you in touch with an expert solicitor. The process will then usually follow these steps:

  1. Your solicitor will talk to you about your injuries and how they've impacted you. They may ask for evidence such as photos or medical records to support your case.
  2. They'll get in touch with the other party to let them know that you are making a claim.
  3. If the responsible party accepts that they were at fault, you should be able to reach a quick settlement. If they do not accept blame, your solicitor will start negotiating for you.
  4. If you win, you'll be awarded your compensation. Your solicitor will take a pre-agreed percentage as their payment. If you lose, you won't receive any compensation but there won't be anything for you to pay as long as you've claimed on a no win no fee basis.

Why choose ClaimsPeople?

Fast claim assessment

We'll let you know immediately if we think you have a strong case.

Available 7 days a week

And you can start your claim online or over the phone, whichever you prefer.

Expert personal injury solicitors

Our panel are fully regulated and know the various personal injury claim time limits in great detail.

Risk-free no win no fee

We take most of our cases on a no win no fee basis so, if you lose, you won't owe a penny.

Your personal injury compensation calculator

Our calculator tool gives you an instant idea of how much compensation you could receive. It will also let you know if you can pursue your claim entirely online.

Use our compensation calculator

Contact us about your claim today

We can help you start your case within the personal injury time frame. Call us on 0800 587 0344 today.