Ankle injury claims
If you've suffered an ankle injury in the last three years that wasn't your fault, ClaimsPeople can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Our network of personal injury lawyers can guide you through the entirety of your ankle injury claim. Most of our cases are conducted on a no win no fee basis, so there's nothing to lose by pursuing compensation.
If your claim is successful, you'll only pay a pre-agreed percentage of your ankle injury compensation amount. Our process is simple, transparent and cost-effective, intending to help you get your life back on track.
Contact our ankle injury compensation claims team to find out whether you're eligible to make a claim.

No win no fee ankle injury claims
You only pay if your ankle injury claim is successful with a no win no fee agreement. There's absolutely nothing to pay if your case loses.
About us
We work with a UK-wide panel of fully regulated solicitors with experience in dealing with ankle injury claims like yours.
Your ankle injury compensation calculator
Our ankle injury compensation calculator can give you an idea of your claim's value. You could even start a claim online using the tool.
Ankle injury compensation claim FAQs
There's a lot to know about making an ankle injury claim, most of which we'll take care of for you. However, our experts have compiled a list of ankle injury FAQs so you're clued up on the basics.
What are some of the most common types of ankle injuries?
What are some of the most common types of ankle injuries?
Damage to any of the bones or ligaments in the ankle can be both painful and extremely limiting, with healing times ranging between weeks and years depending on the severity of the injury.
Ankle injuries tend to happen when the joint is twisted too far out of its normal position. They are usually classified by the kind of tissue affected - be it bone, ligament or tendon. There are three main types of ankle injury:
- Ankle sprain: This is where the ligaments in your ankle are stretched beyond their normal range of motion and damaged. It is often caused by excessive force being applied to the ankle. Sprains are graded in three tiers. Grade one sprains are the least severe and require limited treatment and recovery time. Grade three sprains are the most severe (often a full ligament tear) and usually require surgery and extensive recovery time.
- Ankle strain: This is where the tendons and muscles in and around the ankle are stretched beyond their normal limit and damaged. Like a sprain, an ankle strain can be mild or severe. Both sprains and strains can be extremely painful and highly limiting when it comes to carrying out day-to-day activities and living your normal life.
- Ankle fracture: A fracture or break of the ankle occurs when one or more of the four bones in the ankle are broken. Often accompanied by swelling and bruising, ankle fractures and breaks are usually extremely painful and debilitating, with recovery times often extensive.
Because the symptoms of sprain, strain and fracture injuries are all relatively similar (pain, swelling, bruising), you must get your injury checked by a doctor quickly to establish exactly what the issue is. Once you have that information, you can get the treatment you need and progress a potential ankle injury claim.
What are the main causes of ankle injuries?
What are the main causes of ankle injuries?
Ankle injuries are among some of the most commonplace injuries and can arise from several different everyday activities. Below are a few of the most common sources:
- Slips, trips and falls: Slips, trips and falls are a part of life. However, if your fall and subsequent ankle injury comes from a source of negligence - for example, a landlord, retailer, council body or any other entity failing to meet an obligation to keep you safe - you can make a claim.
- Road accidents: Road traffic accidents are a common source of injuries across the whole body, with ankle sprains, strains and fractures a frequent consequence of collisions. A road traffic accident doesn't mean you have to be in a car - motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians are all vulnerable. Should that road accident be the fault of someone else, you could claim ankle injury compensation.
- Work-related ankle injuries: There are plenty of risks in the workplace that can lead to a sprained, strained or broken ankle at work claim. If your role involves heavy lifting, the use of ladders or repetitive motions, for example, you are vulnerable to a variety of potential injuries including slips, trips and falls, falling objects and falls from a height. If the reason for that accident was that your employer did not fulfil its duty of care to you, you'll be able to make a claim for ankle injury at work compensation.
- Sports injuries: Most sports injuries are considered an ‘associated risk' of taking part, with activities like football increasing the chance for ankle injuries to occur. There are, however, some sporting injuries that happen because of negligence. In those instances, you have grounds to make an ankle injury compensation claim.
- Medical negligence: Should you undergo treatment or surgery that leaves you with an ankle injury due to an act or omission by the health professional involved, you have a case for ankle injury compensation on the grounds of medical negligence.
Whatever the source of your injury, we can help you achieve a fair ankle injury claim value. Contact our team to find out how.
How much can I claim for an ankle injury?
How much can I claim for an ankle injury?
Because each ankle injury claim is a unique case, there's no set ankle fracture injury or sprained ankle injury compensation amount we can give you.
Ankle injury compensation amounts in the UK are decided in line with the 15th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines, as set out by the Ministry of Justice. Your solicitor will refer to this when valuing your claim.
If you're looking to find the average compensation for an ankle injury, you can speak to a member of our team. Alternatively, use our ankle injury compensation calculator to get an estimate of what you can expect if you make a successful claim.
Am I eligible to make an ankle injury compensation claim?
Am I eligible to make an ankle injury compensation claim?
If you've suffered an ankle injury in the last three years that wasn't your fault, you can make an ankle injury compensation claim. You could also make a claim on the behalf of someone else. During your initial consultation with us, we'll get to know the specifics of your case and offer an honest assessment of your eligibility for a successful ankle injury claim.
How do I start an ankle injury claim with ClaimsPeople?
How do I start an ankle injury claim with ClaimsPeople?
There are three ways you can start an ankle injury compensation claim with us:
- Contact us on 0800 587 0344. We're open until 9pm Monday to Friday, 6pm on Saturdays and 5pm on Sundays. We'll be able to let you know during your initial phone call with us if we think you have grounds for a claim.
- Fill in a form online and we'll call you back, free of charge.
- Use our ankle injury compensation calculator to see what your claim could potentially be worth, then choose whether you want to proceed.
How does ClaimsPeople's ankle injury compensation claim process work?
How does ClaimsPeople's ankle injury compensation claim process work?
Our ankle injury compensation claims process works in four basic stages:
- You'll start by meeting a specialist ankle injury lawyer who will get to know the details of your case, including the events surrounding it, the nature of your injury and how it has affected your life. You may also be asked to offer as evidence documents including medical records, photographs and any correspondence between you and the party you're making a claim against.
- Once we've got a full understanding of your claim and feel comfortable with the specifics behind it, we'll contact the other party to let them know you're making an ankle injury claim against them.
- If the other party accepts fault for your injury, a suitable compensation amount will be formulated. If they don't accept fault, your lawyer will begin legal proceedings against them, keeping you in the loop every step of the way.
- In the unlikely event your claim is unsuccessful, you won't owe us a penny. If your claim is successful, you'll only pay the fee you agreed to at the beginning of the process, which will be subtracted from the ankle injury compensation amount you're awarded.
How long does a typical ankle injury compensation claim take?
How long does a typical ankle injury compensation claim take?
Unfortunately, we can't tell you exactly how long your ankle injury claim will take. It will depend on the specifics of your case. What we can guarantee is our part in the process, which will be to pursue the claim as rigorously as possible to get you the result you deserve quickly. And we'll keep you updated with every development along the way.
What if my ankle injury claim isn't successful?
What if my ankle injury claim isn't successful?
We offer a no win no fee service on most of our ankle injury claims. We take out an After the Event (ATE) insurance policy on your behalf that covers any additional court costs, medical report fees or barristers' charges. This covers you in the rare event of an unsuccessful claim, meaning you won't owe us any costs at all. This makes the process entirely risk-free.
Why choose ClaimsPeople for your ankle injury compensation claim?
Our claims process is simple to understand, fully transparent and comes at no cost to you unless you win.
Available 7 Days A Week
You can call us directly or request a call back. We're open 7 days a week until late, with our team on hand to offer an initial assessment of your claim.
Fast Claim Assessment
Our team will assess the details of your ankle injury claim quickly and work proactively to give you answers fast.
Risk-Free No Win No Fee
If your claim is unsuccessful, there's nothing to pay. Your claim with us is entirely risk-free, so you have nothing to lose by seeking compensation.
Other types of personal injury claims
ClaimsPeople offer expert support for a wide spectrum of personal injuries, including:
Jaw injury claims
Whether it's broken bones, scarring to the skin or nerve damage, we can help you claim.
Spine injury claims
Claim for fractures, herniated discs and more with ClaimsPeople.
Groin injury claims
If your groin was injured in a car accident or by medical negligence, speak with us.
Brain and head injury claims
Make a claim following concussions, open wounds, haemorrhages and more.
Neck injury claims
We offer support for claims surrounding neck sprains, strains, whiplash and more.
Fatal injury claims
Seek compensation following the death of a loved one in a road traffic accident, at work or due to medical negligence.
Use our ankle injury compensation calculator
Get an idea of your ankle injury claim value with our simple and easy-to-use calculator. You could even start your claim from it.
Contact us about your ankle injury claim today
We can help you get the ankle injury compensation you deserve. To get started, fill out the form below.