What kinds of burns can I claim for?
If someone failed in their duty of care to you and did something negligent that caused you to get burnt, there's a good chance you will be able to claim against them. Burns differ in severity and a medical professional should be able to let you know which type you have. You may be able to get compensation for the following:
- First-degree burns: These burns only affect the top layer of the skin (epidermis).
- Second-degree burns: Burns of this nature affect the first two layers of skin (epidermis and dermis).
- Third-degree burns: These occur when the tissue underneath the epidermis and dermis is also burnt which can destroy nerve endings.

No win no fee burn injury claims
If you've received a first, second, or third-degree burn that was the result of someone else's negligence, it shouldn't be hard to get assistance in securing your compensation. For this reason, we offer you the opportunity to claim on a no win no fee basis. The key benefit of claiming this way is that you won't have to worry about paying us any legal fees if your case is unsuccessful. And if it does succeed, you'll only pay us an agreed percentage of your compensation.
About us
Here at ClaimsPeople, we aim to guide you through the claims process so you can get the compensation to which you are entitled. We work with a nationwide panel of burn injury lawyers who work hard to secure the best outcome for our clients. When you first speak with us, we'll discuss how you came to have your burns. Once we've established the important details, we'll let you know if we think your claim could be successful or not. If we think it could be, and you agree to proceed, we'll then be able to start building your case.
Your burn compensation calculator
We won't be able to give you a likely sum until later in the process, as our burn injury lawyers first need to understand all the ins and outs of your situation. But before you get started, you can get an idea of how much a burn claim is worth in the UK and how much you might get for the specific type of burn you have. We have a free calculator on our website which can give you an estimate of how much you might be able to expect.
Calculate your compensation
Our market leading calculator gives you an instant idea of how much injury compensation you could receive and if you could pursue your claim online.
What kind of incidents cause burns?
When talking to our clients about their accidents, we come across many different scenarios where they end up getting a burn that was someone else's fault. Some examples include:
- You expect to feel safe at work but, unfortunately, we do come across a wide variety of accidents that cause workers to get first, second or third-degreeburns at workwhich they want compensation for. For example, you may want toclaim for a chemical burn that you've acquired because your employer didn't enforce health and safety guidelines about the safe storage of hazardous substances.
- You may get burnt in a public place, such as a tanning salon. Sunbeds are known to increase your risk of skin cancer because of the UV rays they emit, so it's important to be aware of this before getting started. But if a salon failed to warn you of this potential harm, hasn't shown you how to use the equipment properly, hasn't told you the safest amount of time to use a sunbed for, or has let you use the equipment before you turned 18 and you've now developed a sunbed burn (or a long-term skin condition), you could be eligible to claim.
Burns resulting from defective equipment: When a manufacturer designs faulty equipment, this can have serious consequences for a consumer. For example, you may have been involved in a road traffic accident and found that your airbags failed to operate properly and combusted, causing you to come away from the episode with burns. If this happens to you, you may be able to claim compensation for your airbag burns.
Claiming for a burn injury FAQs
What's the average compensation you can get for burns?
What's the average compensation you can get for burns?
There is a whole spectrum of burn types and levels of severity. To give you a clearer picture of how much you could get at the end of a successful claim, we'll need to know more about your specific situation.
You can get a ballpark estimate of how much you might be eligible for by using our accident and personal injury calculator.
It's a good idea to gather as much evidence as you can to strengthen your case. Any photos of your burn, from as close to the time of the incident as possible, are useful to us. Any CCTV footage from the incident, medical notes, and details of any witnesses also help us to build you a strong case.
If you're making a claim because you were burned at work, showing us an employer accident form is also going to be a strong piece of evidence. Employers are legally required to keep an Accident Book that logs all work-related accidents and injuries.
How much compensation do you get for a burn at work?
How much compensation do you get for a burn at work?
Again, this depends on the specifics. We use the latest guidance from the Judicial College Guidelines to determine how much compensation your burn injury warrants.
For an estimate, simply use our burn compensation calculator.
Is there a time limit for making my burn claim?
Is there a time limit for making my burn claim?
As with most personal injury claims, you can expect to have three years from the injury to get the ball rolling to receive your compensation.
If you got your burn as a result of a criminal offence, you may have a two-year limit and you would need to pursue this through the CICA scheme.
Certain time limit exceptions exist, such as if you're claiming on behalf of someone who doesn't have the mental capacity to claim themselves or on behalf of a child.
How do I start my burn compensation claim?
How do I start my burn compensation claim?
There are three ways you can contact us if you're ready to get started:
- Use our personal injury calculator to find out how much your burn claim payout could be and leave your details with us so we can get back in touch.
- Fill in our quick and handy call back form so that one of us can reach out to you at a time you will find convenient.
- Give us a call on 0800 587 0344. Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8am-9pm, 9am-6pm on Saturday, 9.30am-5pm on Sunday, and 9am-5pm on Bank Holidays.
What happens if my claim is unsuccessful?
What happens if my claim is unsuccessful?
We'll only go ahead with your claim if we think it's got a reasonable chance of success. But if things don't work out as we would hope, you don't have to worry, because we operate on a no win no fee basis. That means you won't have to pay us any legal fees if it fails.
We advise our clients to take out After the Event (ATE) insurance. This gives you another layer of protection if your claim doesn't work out in your favour. This is because it covers you against the other party's legal fees.
Why choose us to help you claim?
We're here to help
We're easy to talk to. If you want to speak to one of us directly about any outstanding questions you may have, you can call us or fill in our call back form so we can ring you.
We want to reduce the hassle
Making a no win no fee claim with us is designed to take an element of worry out of the equation for you. It means that if you lose, there are no legal fees to pay.
Get in touch with us today to get started
No one should have to endure a burn injury that someone else's negligence caused. If this has happened to you, we want to help.
Simply call us or fill in our call back form to get started. Our friendly team of specialists will be on hand to listen and advise.
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Use the form below to request a call back from one of our friendly advisers.
where you can speak with us in complete confidence at your earliest convenience.