Landlord negligence claims
We can help you make a compensation claim against your landlord if they've failed to ensure your property is safe and you've been injured in an accident at home as a result.
Experts in personal injury, we have a panel of experienced solicitors to help you make a no win no fee landlord negligence claim.
The specialist solicitors we connect you with will handle all the legal aspects of your case, giving you the chance to make a no-risk claim against your landlord. We don't charge upfront fees either, so you'll only pay us if your case wins.

No Win No Fee Landlord Negligence Claims
We take most cases on a no win no fee basis, meaning you only pay us if your landlord negligence claim is successful.
About Us
With our panel of fully regulated legal professionals, we can put you in touch with an expert solicitor who specialises in landlord negligence claims.
Your landlord negligence compensation claim calculator
Find out how much compensation you could claimfor landlord negligence. You may be able to start a claim online using the tool.
How to claim compensation from your landlord: FAQs
It helps to have an idea of what to expect when making a claim against your landlord. Our experts have compiled some of the questions they're commonly asked to give you all the information you need to get started.
What are some common reasons for making a claim against a landlord?
What are some common reasons for making a claim against a landlord?
Failing to maintain a rental property properly may affect the health and safety of the tenants residing there. There are several common injuries and conditions that may cause someone to claim compensation from a landlord:
- Injury resulting from a falling object: Being hit by a falling object can cause a serious injury, particularly if the object fell from a significant height. Having ill-secured fittings such as cabinets or wardrobes may result in an accident and a claim against a landlord.
- Injury caused by unsafe structures: Poorly maintained building structures are extremely dangerous. If a ceiling or roof collapses because the landlord let it fall into disrepair, a tenant could claim if they are injured as a result.
- Injury caused by faulty plumbing or wiring: Faulty wiring and plumbing increase the risk of injury at home.For example,a burst hot water pipe could result in a tenant being scalded, or dangerous wiring could cause an electric shock or electrocution (death by electric shock).
- Respiratory conditions resulting from poor upkeep of a property: Living in a property with untreated damp or mould can cause respiratory conditions such as infections, allergies or asthma. This may result in tenants claiming compensation from their landlord.
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Some household appliances that have been incorrectly installed or maintained by the landlord (such as heaters, cookers or boilers) could lead to the tenant suffering carbon monoxide poisoning.
Whether you're submitting a claim against your landlord because their negligence has resulted in an injury or an illness, the outcome will depend on the extent of your ailment, what caused it and the toll it has taken on your daily life. Get in touch today to find out if you have grounds to make a claim.
How much compensation could I get for my landlord negligence claim?
How much compensation could I get for my landlord negligence claim?
Every no win no fee landlord negligence claim is assessed on a case-by-case basis, so no set amount is awarded for a particular accident or illness.
When your case is being considered for compensation, factors such as loss of earnings, the medical care you required, and the impact on your physical and mental wellbeing will all influence the settlement valuation. Potential figures for your case can be estimated using the 16th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines, overseen by the Ministry of Justice.
If you're interested in finding out how much compensation you could receive when you submit a claim against your landlord, contact us today. If you're planning on claiming compensation from your landlord, use our calculator to get a rough idea of what you could receive.
Am I eligible for a no win no fee landlord negligence claim?
Am I eligible for a no win no fee landlord negligence claim?
If you've suffered an illness or injury because of a landlord's negligence, you can make a claim for compensation. You can also make a claim against a landlord on behalf of someone else who has suffered because of landlord negligence. When you first get in touch, our team will discuss the details of your case with you and confirm whether you're eligible to make a claim.
How can I start a claim against my landlord with ClaimsPeople?
How can I start a claim against my landlord with ClaimsPeople?
There are a few ways to start a no win no fee landlord negligence claim with us:
- Contact us for free on 0808 239 2132. We're open until 9pm Monday to Friday, 6pm on Saturdays and 5pm on Sundays. We'll let you know during your initial call if we think your situation gives you grounds for a claim.
- Fill in our form online and we'll call you back, free of charge.
- Use our calculator to get an idea of what claiming compensation from your landlord could get you, then decide whether you want to proceed.
How does ClaimsPeople's no win no fee landlord negligence claim process work?
How does ClaimsPeople's no win no fee landlord negligence claim process work?
There are four key steps to making a no win no fee landlord negligence claim with us:
- We'll make you an appointment with an experienced solicitor who specialises in claims against landlords. In that meeting, your solicitor will find out more about what happened to you, the severity of your injury or illness and the effect it has had on your life.
- If we are confident you have a case to claim compensation, your solicitor will contact the landlord.
- If the landlord agrees they are responsible for your injury or illness, compensation will be arranged. If not, your solicitor will begin legal proceedings, keeping you in the loop every step of the way.
- You'll owe us nothing if your no win no fee landlord negligence case is unsuccessful. If you receive compensation, your solicitor's fee will be deducted from it. The amount deducted will be agreed upon at the start of your claim.
How long do claims against landlords take to settle?
How long do claims against landlords take to settle?
As every case is different, we can't specify exactly how quickly your claim will be settled. How long it takes to secure compensation for your landlord negligence claim will depend on a range of factors such as the severity of your injury or illness, how much evidence there is to support the claim against your landlord and whether they accept responsibility for your suffering. We'll keep you updated as your case progresses, so you'll always know what's going on.
What if my claim against my landlord isn't successful?
What if my claim against my landlord isn't successful?
While it's unlikely a claim made by us won't be successful, there's a small chance you may not be awarded compensation. If this happens, you won't owe us anything at all.
For many claims, an After the Event (ATE) insurance policy will be taken out on your behalf. This covers any additional court costs, medical report fees or barristers' charges. That's what allows us to provide our no win no fee landlord negligence service.
You won't have to pay your solicitor a penny in the unlikely event you don't get the desired outcome. We don't charge any upfront costs either, so an unsuccessful claim is free from financial risk in most cases.
Why choose ClaimsPeople for your landlord negligence claim?
Available 7 Days A Week
Our team of experts are here to advise you 7 days a week until late, so you can get support with your claim against your landlord when it suits you.
Fast Claim Assessment
We'll let you know straight away if you have grounds for a landlord negligence claim, so you aren't wasting your time looking for answers.
Risk-Free No Win No Fee
We specialise in no win no fee landlord negligence claims, which means you won't pay a thing unless you get the compensation you deserve.
Experts In Landlord Negligence Claims
The solicitors on our UK-wide panel have years of experience handling cases just like yours and are fully regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
Your landlord negligence claim calculator
Get an estimated figure of what you could potentially receive for your landlord negligence compensation claim with our easy-to-use calculator.
Contact us about claiming compensation from your landlord today
We're here to help you get the compensation you deserve. Complete the form below to get in touch.