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Can I claim compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel is a type of repetitive strain injury that affects the median nerve in the wrist. It's the result of sustained pressure in this area and often causes pain and mobility issues in the hands and fingers. However, this pain can extend throughout the length of the arm.

Many of the tasks we do each day can be repetitive and put a strain on our bodies. But sometimes repeated strain on our wrists is the result of someone else's negligent behaviour. If you have developed carpal tunnel syndrome in the past three years and it was caused by someone else's negligence, you might be able to make a carpal tunnel injury claim

Our simple claims process can help you to find out quickly if you can claim compensation. If you can, our specialist carpal tunnel lawyers will begin building your case right away, taking care of the entire legal process.

We've helped thousands of people to claim for carpal tunnel syndrome compensation in the UK on a no win no fee basis. Get in touch today to find out if we can help you.

No win no fee carpal tunnel injury claims

When you use our no win no fee process for your carpal tunnel claim, you can seek completely risk-free compensation. That means that, should your claim not be successful, you won't owe us a penny.

 About us

We're experts in what we do. We work closely with a nationwide panel of specialist carpal tunnel solicitors to ensure that we deliver the best possible results for our clients. We'll let you know if we think your claim could be successful from the start and we'll work hard to seek the compensation you deserve.

Your carpal tunnel syndrome compensation calculator

So, how much compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome is available to you? If you're wondering how much you could achieve if your claim is successful, we can't give you a definite projection until we fully understand your circumstances. This is because no two cases are ever quite the same. However, you can use our free calculator to get an idea of the amount you could achieve.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually caused by repeated, sustained pressure to the carpal tunnel and median nerve. It's usually the result of the hand, wrist, and arm being used in the same way for long periods. 

Some of the main common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are:

  • Power tools that are frequently used on construction sites and in industrial settings can lead to lasting damage if used over prolonged periods.
  • Using handheld tools that lead to strain being put on the wrist. For example, working on vehicles or on property renovation projects may require prolonged periods of using spanners, saws, and hammers.   
  • Heavy lifting can be another cause. Even if safe lifting guidelines are followed, regularly lifting heavy boxes and other items can apply pressure to the wrists. 
  • Bending the wrist forcefully.
  • Typing or using a keyboard regularly. 

Even if the cause of your carpal tunnel syndrome isn't listed here, we could still help you claim carpal tunnel compensation. Contact our team today on 0800 587 0344 or organise a consultation by emailing us.

Carpal tunnel compensation claims FAQs

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel?

The carpal tunnel is a passageway in the wrist and the bottom of this passage is made up of small bones, known as carpal bones. The carpal ligament sits at the top. The median nerve, which is the nerve that provides feeling in the thumb and middle three fingers, runs the length of the carpal tunnel. 

When the nerve is damaged or compressed, symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome may occur. Some of the tell-tale signs include:  

  • Weak grip: You might find it difficult to grip objects or find that your grip is weaker than it usually is. 
  • Aches or pain in your fingers, hand, or arm: Your fingers will likely be the main area affected, but it can also impact on your whole arm. Discomfort and pain in your forearm, bicep, middle three fingers, and thumb can all be symptoms of carpal tunnel. 
  • Tingling or burning sensation, or pins and needles: The sensation of pins and needles running down the length of your arm, especially if your arm is in a non-compressed position, can be a sign of damage to the nerve.
  • Numbness: While pain can be a key sign, numbness is also an indicator. This could get worse at night when you're no longer using your hands. 

Although these symptoms may be mild to begin with, these can increase in severity over time. 

How much compensation could I get when I make a carpal tunnel injury claim?

Carpal tunnel claim payouts in the UK depend on the individual's circumstances. Nerve damage - specifically, damage to the median nerve - is a complex form of personal injury that can be caused by a number of things over a prolonged period. 

For instance, you might have worked in an office for decades and spending time typing without being provided with wrist support by your employer could have led to your carpal tunnel syndrome. Or maybe you've worked on building sites for years and the power tools have caused lasting damage. 

These examples indicate that the circumstances change from claim to claim and what happened to you is specific to your own situation. Because of that, we can't tell you how much your claim will be worth straight away. 

However, we will work out how much you could receive along the way, and the final amount will be determined using the Judicial College Guidelines.

Your payout figure will cover key factors such as: 

  • The severity of your injury.
  • The emotional and physical distress that the injury has caused you.
  • Whether you've had to take time off work and, if so, how much time this was, along with the loss of pay.
  • Whether others have had to take time off work to aid your recovery and, if so, how long this was.
  • The cost of the medical treatment that you have received and any you will require in the future.

To find out how much your claim could be worth, you can use our free carpal tunnel syndrome compensation calculator to get an estimate.

How long do carpal tunnel compensation claims take?

There's no set timeframe for how long your carpal tunnel claim will take. The duration of any claim often depends on how long it takes to compile and submit any evidence. How much your injury is affecting your day-to-day life can also be a major factor.

However long your claim takes, we'll keep you in the loop every step of the way. We'll give you updates and let you know if anything significant happens. 

How do I start my carpal tunnel compensation claim?

There are three ways to start your carpal tunnel compensation claim with us:

  • Use our carpal tunnel syndrome compensation calculator to get an idea of how much your claim could be worth.
  • Use our call back form to tell us a few details about yourself and your injury and a member of our team will get back to you at time that's convenient for you.
  • Call us on 0800 587 0344. Our lines are open until 9pm, Monday to Friday, 6pm on Saturdays, and 5pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

What happens if my carpal tunnel claim isn't successful?

We only press ahead with a claim if we believe it has a chance of succeeding. However, sometimes things don't go the way we expect. Therefore, we work with most of our clients on a no win no fee basis, which means that you won't pay us a penny if your claim is unsuccessful. This ensures that you can choose us to take on your claim and it will be entirely risk-free.

Additionally, you can arrange to take out After the Event (ATE) insurance to protect you financially in case you lose your claim.

Can I claim PIP for carpal tunnel?

A Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a weekly support payment that is available to claim if:

  • You're aged 16 or over.
  • You have trouble carrying out everyday tasks or have problems with your mobility.
  • You have a long-term physical or mental health issue.
  • Your illness, injury or condition is expected to last for at least 12 months after it started.

So, if you have suffered a long-term, debilitating injury to your medial nerve and now have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may find that you can claim a PIP allowance.

Why choose our carpal tunnel solicitors?

We work quickly

We run a quick, no-fuss assessment process that's designed to help you find out whether you have grounds for a carpal tunnel claim - and whether we can help you with it. When you decide to work with us, our team will work fast to get you the result you deserve.

We're here for you

We're available every day of the week to answer any questions you have about making a claim. You can call us or fill in our call back form.

No win no fee means no risk for you

When you choose to pursue your carpal tunnel claim with us on a no win no fee basis, you're removing the risk of having to pay legal fees. If your case isn't successful, you won't owe us a single penny.

We're experts

We're a nationally renowned carpal tunnel claim specialist that works with the Solicitors Regulation Authority to ensure that our service is delivered to the highest level.

Use our carpal tunnel syndrome compensation claim calculator

You can start thinking about making a claim today by finding out how much yours could be worth.

Get in touch today to start your carpal tunnel claim

If you've experienced carpal tunnel syndrome and it was caused by the work you do, our expert nerve damage solicitors can help.

Get started by calling us or filling in our call back form to discuss your potential carpal tunnel claim with a member of our team.

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