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Why claim for offshore and oil rig accidents?

Life on an oil rig, offshore platform or drill ship is fraught with danger for workers, with the threat of industrial hazards only heightened by extreme weather conditions and the unforgiving nature of the open ocean.

Such a high-risk industry demands nothing less than a comprehensive approach to health and safety and risk management on the part of your employer. However, when these standards fall below the required level, the consequences can be devastating.

If you're coming to terms with the lasting impacts of an offshore or oil rig accident, contact us to hear how specialist injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.

No Win No Fee Offshore Rig Accident Claims

With a claim made on a no win no fee basis, so as long as you have the right insurance in place, you can be sure you won't have to pay a penny unless your offshore injury lawyer gets you the compensation you deserve.

About Us

We'll connect you to a specialist offshore accident lawyer from our panel of experienced UK solicitors who can lead your claim.

Calculate your compensation

See how much you could be entitled to with a successful claim by using our offshore rig accident calculator. It only takes a few minutes.

Offshore and oil rig accident FAQs

Offshore injuries are usually the result of work-related accidents on oil rigs and other platforms operating at sea. Unfortunately, the dangers of these industrial environments make the following injuries more common:

Your employer should take every necessary precaution to prevent accidents on offshore rigs. If they didn't, our offshore injury lawyers can help you claim compensation for your injuries.

Offshore rig accidents occur on platforms operating at sea, usually for drilling and extracting natural resources such as oil and gas. The latest figures from HSE show a total of 72 non-fatal injuries on offshore rigs in 2022, significantly down from 149 in 2013. 

Despite an improvement in safety standards over the last decade, the threats on oil rigs and offshore platforms remain high. The most common types of oil rig accidents are:

  • Explosions and fires
  • Blowouts
  • Equipment malfunctions
  • Diving complications
  • Contact with or entrapment in machinery
  • Oil, gas and chemical leaks
  • Falls from a height and/or into the ocean
  • Boat and helicopter issues to and from the offshore rig

All the same rules and regulations apply to offshore rigs as workplaces on land. So, the owner or operator of any offshore facility, as well as your employer (if not the same organisation), are responsible for protecting your health and wellbeing at work.

The regulations surrounding the oil and gas industry are complex and extensive, but employers are still required to protect offshore workers under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Application outside Great Britain) Order 2013, which covers regions off the mainland. The other relevant regulations can be found on the HSE website.

If the responsible parties have failed to keep you safe while you work on an oil or offshore rig, you're entitled to claim for your injuries. Employer or operator failures can be due to inadequate safety training, improper protective equipment, poorly maintained equipment or machinery, unsafe working practices or anything else that puts you in danger.

Contact us for more information or advice on your injuries suffered while working on an oil rig or offshoreplatform.

All claims for accidents at work, including those for oil rig injuries, are typically subject to a three-year time limit from the date of the incident. If injuries or conditions linked to the accident emerge at a later date, this may be when the time limit starts.

With the help of an offshore accident lawyer, you can start the process of claiming for the injuries you suffered on an oil rig. We're here to get you what you deserve.

The amount you could be entitled to for your offshore injuries depends on a few key factors, including:

  • The injuries you sustained
  • The short and long-term impacts of those injuries
  • Any indirect consequences, such as an inability to work, lost income and ongoing medical bills, from the accident

To get a sense of what your oil rig accident claim could be worth, enter your details into our compensation calculator. Damages are evaluated based on the most recent edition of the Judicial College Guidelines, as instructed by the Ministry of Justice.

We take most offshore accident cases on a no win no fee basis, so you've got legal protection insurance which protects you from any financial risk should your claim be unsuccessful. if you don't come away with compensation. Your oil rig accident lawyer will take a pre-agreed percentage of your settlement amount if you're successful with the claim.

Before proceeding with a legal case, we'll advise you to take out insurance to cover the costs in case you don't receive a payout. However, we usually sort this for you. You'll only need to pay for it if your oil rig accident claim is successful.

Why trust us with your offshore rig accidentclaim?

Available 7 Days A Week

Our team of friendly advisors are available seven days a week, including Bank Holidays.

No Win No Fee Protection

Claims made on a no win no fee basis mean as long as you abide by the terms of the agreement, you only have to pay if you're awarded the settlement you deserve.

Offshore Oil Rig Accident Experts

We work with lawyers from a UK-wide, fully regulated panel of experts with decades of experience working on work accident claims.

Fast Claim Assessment

We'll determine whether you've got a valid offshore accident claim as soon as we can, so you don't have to waste time.

Calculate your compensation

Find out how much you could win following a successful offshore injury claim with our easy-to-use compensation calculator.

Speak to an offshore accident lawyer about your injuries today

If you've suffered injuries on an oil rig or offshore platform and the accident was caused by someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

We want to help get you what you deserve. We'll start with a free, no-obligation consultation where we'll discuss your situation before recommending whether it's worth proceeding with a legal claim.

To get started, call our friendly advisors today or enter your details into our callback form.